Archive: April 20, 2023

When Do We Become an Entrepreneur

Being afraid to start a business is nothing new to anyone. Believe it or not, it shouldn’t be a fear that anyone should have. To explain why this thought process seems to hold true for just about everyone, you will need to think back to your childhood. Did you ever trade for anything you wanted in school or something that you knew you could use to gain an advantage with your friends? For me, we traded erasers in school.

I always wanted the Star Wars ships. However, these erasers were randomly handed out by our teacher. We did not control what we received. Many times, I found myself with the fruit scented erasers. The girls found themselves with the sports and movie erasers. I quickly networked with the other kids in class and figured out who wanted what so I could map out how to get myself an X-Wing eraser or a Deathstar eraser. Often, it was as simple as trading with the person who wanted the fruit eraser. Other times, I needed to make several trades to get the eraser I wanted.

I understand that this isn’t entrepreneurship directly. It is, however, a part of the foundation of becoming an entrepreneur. Networking and negotiating with others to achieve an end goal is part of the learning curve to becoming a full fledge entrepreneur. The reason that it didn’t make me an entrepreneur was that I wasn’t providing a tangible asset that could be reused by others (I’m selfish that way) on a consistent basis. You see I would only negotiate to my benefit, not to the benefit of others, to get the eraser I wanted. Then I was done.

As I grew up, learning to network and building those negotiating skills at a young age did eventually lead me to become an entrepreneur. How? Once I became a little older, i was able to sell my services on a reusable level. For example, I delivered newspapers in the morning day after day for an income. The newspaper didn’t tell me how or when I needed to deliver the papers, just that I needed to complete my task by a certain time. They would give me more or less deliveries based on my skill level. I was basically an independent contractor, working for myself. I managed my time, deciding when, where, how I worked, and how much I would earn from my work. This was not unique as I was growing up, because households received much of their news from newspapers. As I grew older, this job went away with the advancements of technology.

Fortunately, the advancements opened up new opportunities for young people to become entrepreneurs. Many of these opportunities, I am sure, you took advantage of doing yourself at a younger age. Opportunities such as babysitting, mowing lawns/shoveling snow, pet care services, tutoring, house sitting, cleaning or organizing things are just some of the tasks young entrepreneurs offer today. In fact, we have compiled a list of entrepreneurial activities that are common today, determined their level of difficulty to learn and the opportunity for growth and exponential returns.

Pet Care Services – This side hustle involves tasks such as pet walking, pet sitting, and feeding animals, which can be done by responsible teenagers who have experience with pets. The learning curve for this side hustle is relatively low, as long as the teenager has experience with animals and is responsible. Pitfalls to be aware of include potential liability issues if the pet is injured or lost, and difficulty finding clients. Word of mouth advertising is an excellent source for finding new clients.

Babysitting – Responsible teenagers can offer babysitting services to their neighbors or family members. The learning curve for this side hustle is relatively low, as long as the teenager has experience with children and is responsible. Pitfalls to be aware of include potential liability issues if the child is injured or lost, and difficulty finding clients. To increase opportunities within this side hustle, can advertise their services to their friends and family, or sign up with online service providers that offer vetting services and additional opportunities.

Tutoring – Teenagers with strong academic skills can offer tutoring services to their peers or younger students. The learning curve for this side hustle is moderate, as the teenager must have a strong grasp of the subject matter and be able to effectively communicate it to others. Pitfalls to be aware of include difficulty finding clients and competition from professional tutoring services. To increase opportunities within this side hustle, teenagers can advertise their services to their classmates or on social media and offer reasonable rates.

Home Cleaning and Organization – Minors can potentially offer home cleaning and organization services to their neighbors or family members. The learning curve for this side hustle is relatively low, as long as the person is responsible and has experience with cleaning and organization. Pitfalls to be aware of include potential liability issues if something in the home is damaged or lost, and difficulty finding clients. This opportunity is perfect for people that have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder).

House Sitting – Similar to pet care services, minors can potentially offer house sitting services to their neighbors or family members. The learning curve for this side hustle is relatively low, as long as the person is responsible and has experience with home security. Pitfalls to be aware of include potential liability issues if something in the home is damaged or lost, and difficulty finding clients. To increase opportunities within this side hustle, people can advertise their services to their friends and family, or on social media with parents’ permission, and offer reasonable rates to strangers.

Lawn Care and Snow Removal – Minors can potentially offer lawn care and snow removal services to their neighbors or family members. My mother offered my services up to the old couple down the street when I was a teen (for free). The learning curve for this side hustle is relatively low, as long as the teenager is responsible and has experience with lawn care and snow removal. Pitfalls to be aware of include potential liability issues if someone is injured on the property, and difficulty finding clients. if you need more clients just ask my mother.

Influencer – Influencer marketing has a high potential for income generation, as successful influencers can earn significant sums of money through brand collaborations, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing. The learning curve can be moderate, as it requires building a following, creating engaging content, and building relationships with brands. However, the cost of barriers for entry is low, as it can be started with just a smartphone, an internet connection, and some creativity which is easily found in the younger generation.

Content Creation – Content creation has the potential to generate moderate income through ad revenue, sponsored content, and merchandise sales. The learning curve can be moderate, as it requires developing skills in creating engaging content, building an audience, and understanding the platforms’ algorithms. The cost of barriers for entry is also moderate, as it requires some investment in equipment such as cameras, microphones, and editing software. This can be done easily with supplies provided in school or by parents.

Professional Gamer – Professional gaming can generate some income through esports tournaments, live streaming, and sponsorships. However, it has a relatively low potential for income generation compared to the other two areas. The learning curve can be high, as it requires developing gaming skills, understanding the game mechanics, and building a following. The cost of barriers for entry is also high, as it requires investing in gaming equipment, such as high-performance gaming computers and peripherals.

There are several side hustles that young people can pursue in order to earn some extra money and develop important life skills. These side hustles can lead to lifelong desires to be entrepreneurs. By pursuing these side hustles at an early age, minors can gain valuable experience in entrepreneurship, develop important skills like responsibility, networking, negotiating, and communication. Along the way they earn some extra cash to help them achieve their goals from working. What most people don’t realize is that they have also learned to not be afraid of working for themselves at a young age. They just forget education.

    Why Do I Fear?

    Experiencing fear or anxiety is a natural response to the unknown or uncertain outcomes that can result from taking risks, such as reaching out to potential clients or pitching your services. While you may logically understand that the worst thing that can happen is receiving a “no” response, your emotional response to that possibility can still be quite strong.

    It’s also possible that your fear is rooted in a deeper sense of self-doubt or imposter syndrome, which can cause you to question your own abilities and worthiness. Even if you logically know that you are qualified and capable, these feelings can be difficult to shake.

    It’s important to acknowledge your fears and anxiety, and to develop strategies for managing them so that they don’t prevent you from moving forward in your business. This might include practices such as mindfulness or meditation, seeking support from a coach or mentor, or gradually exposing yourself to situations that trigger your fears in a controlled and manageable way.

    Remember, fear and anxiety are normal parts of the human experience, and it’s possible to develop the resilience and courage needed to move forward despite these feelings. By acknowledging your fears, developing strategies for managing them, and taking consistent action towards your goals, you can achieve success.

    Here are a few strategies that can help you get past your fear of rejection:

    Reframe rejection as a learning opportunity: Rather than viewing rejection as a personal failure, try to see it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Ask for feedback from potential clients or colleagues who have declined your services and use their insights to improve your approach.

    Focus on your value proposition: When reaching out to potential clients or pitching your services, focus on the value that you can offer them. By highlighting the specific benefits that you can provide, you can feel more confident in your abilities and increase the likelihood of success.

    Prepare thoroughly: The more prepared you are for a pitch or meeting, the more confident you will feel. Take the time to research your client’s needs, understand their pain points, and develop a clear proposal or plan of action.

    Visualize success: Visualization can be a powerful tool for overcoming fear and increasing confidence. Take a few minutes each day to visualize successful outcomes for your business and focus on the positive feelings and emotions that come with those outcomes.

    Take action: Ultimately, the best way to overcome a fear of rejection is to take action and face your fears head-on. Start small by reaching out to potential clients or networking with colleagues, and gradually build up your confidence over time.

    Remember, it’s normal to feel some level of fear or anxiety when putting yourself out there. But by reframing rejection as a learning opportunity, focusing on your value proposition, preparing thoroughly, visualizing success, and taking action, you can overcome your fear and achieve success in your life and your business.

    5 Quotes to Inspire You to FlipN Start

    Let’s go ahead and work on motivating you to start working towards your goals. The first thing we want you to focus on is building your motivation. To do this, read these quotes. Find five more of your own and write them in a journal tonight.

    “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

    This quote embodies the entrepreneurial spirit of those who believe in their vision and are willing to take the risks to make their dreams a reality. It speaks to the importance of having a strong belief in oneself, the power of our dreams to guide us towards success.

    “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu

    This quote embodies the essence of entrepreneurship and getting started. Emphasizing the importance of taking action and making progress, no matter how small or insignificant. The idea that every journey, no matter how long or difficult, begins with a single step forward. As an entrepreneur, it’s important to stay motivated and focused on taking that first step towards your goals, and then continuing to move forward, one step at a time.

    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain

    This quote emphasizes the importance of taking action to get started towards our goals. Reminding us that progress and success can only come from taking that first step forward. It’s easy to get stuck in indecision and procrastination. As an entrepreneur, it’s important to overcome any fears or doubts and take that initial leap of faith to start the journey towards achieving your goals. Stop waiting for the perfect moment and to start taking action today.

    “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” – Zig Ziglar

    This quote emphasizes the importance of taking action and starting, even if you don’t feel ready or confident. As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get bogged down by self-doubt or fear of failure, but this quote reminds us that greatness can only come from taking that first step forward. It encourages us to take a leap of faith and begin the journey towards our goals, even if we may not have all the answers or know exactly how to get there.

    “Stop whining, start hustling.” – Gary Vaynerchuk

    This quote embodies Gary Vaynerchuk’s philosophy of taking action and not making excuses. Often, he emphasizes the importance of hard work and dedication to achieve success as an entrepreneur. His quote encourages us to stop complaining or making excuses and instead start taking action towards our goals. By adopting a “hustler” mentality and putting in the work, we can overcome obstacles and achieve our dreams.

    Once you have written your five quotes, reflect on them. Why did you choose these five quotes? What do they say about your desire to move forward? What do they say about your excuses?

    Don’t Let the Name Fool You

    We appreciate your interest in FlipN Start Inc.

    At FlipN Start Inc., we specialize in helping entrepreneurs and startups build and grow their businesses through non-traditional means. Although we do not offer training in real estate flipping or promote “get rich quick” schemes, we have over 30 years of combined entrepreneurial experience, including 20 years of small business startup experience and education. Our consulting services include business planning, market research, identifying capital needs, raising capital, and other atypical entrepreneurial needs. While we do not offer specific advice on flipping houses or products online, the business lessons we teach can be applied to any field of enterprise. We do recommend that everyone have a financial advisor to help with personal financial strategies, including building a real estate asset portfolio, but we do not offer financial advice. Our focus is on helping you start and grow your own business with the right business structure to meet your needs, while encouraging you to explore atypical means of doing so.

    If you’re an entrepreneur or startup looking for a consulting firm that specializes in non-traditional means of building and growing your business, FlipN Start Inc. is here to help. Contact us today to learn how we can help you set up the right business structure, conduct market research, identify your capital needs, raise capital, and more. If you’re looking for a company that teaches real estate flipping or promotes “get rich quick” schemes, we may not be the right fit for you. Instead, we recommend that you seek advice from a financial advisor who can help you with personal financial strategies, including building a real estate asset portfolio.

    FlipN Start

    What is the one thing all potential small business owners with diabetes have in common?

    They only have potential until they FlipN Start!

    Ask any entrepreneur the one thing that they wish they had done sooner rather than later. Each and every one of them will tell you that they wished that they started sooner. The words “I am waiting for” or “I am waiting on,” are nothing more than excuses and a loud statement of your fear. This especially holds extra weight for diabetics. There are countless number of stories written about how a business was started. Some businesses were started with nothing more than an idea written on a napkin and a handshake. It sounds a lot like how Southwest Airlines was rumored to start. Now imagine that you are diabetic and starting an industry’s biggest company on a handshake and a napkin. Scary as all get out, isn’t it? Imagine all the extra questions that you are raising.

    In reality, you have nothing to lose. After all you are starting with next to nothing on your next adventure. Yes, that’s right, it is an adventure. When you Flip N Start something new, and have no idea what to expect, it becomes an adventure. Imagine that it is something that is similar to when you were told you had diabetes or having a child for the first time. You have never had a diabetes or a child before. Noone has ever told you how to prevent or manage your diabetes or how to raise a child. All you know is what you have seen from observations and experiences. There isn’t a manual on how to manage your specific case of diabetes or even how to raise the perfect child. Even though many have tried to write one, no one has ever truly become the unquestioned authority on the topics.

    What do you do with this disease of yours? How will you know what to do and when to do it? Can you figure out how to manage the business with diabetes through trial and error? Can you start over if you make a mistake, or do you need to continue and fix the error as soon as possible? You see, a business is like having a child. There are tons of books filled with information out there available to you. However, everyone that markets themselves as experts are nothing more than people who have had a business before. Success and failures happen with raising a child, just like owning a business. The only thing that a diabetic entrepreneur can do is work on making the right decisions; and if they are unsure, ask someone who has been there before. Like when you have/had your first child.

    Words of Wisdom

    The next to last line of the child metaphor provides insight into the right path for startup diabetic entrepreneurs. Ask someone who has been there before. They will have the answers you seek.